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Newnan GA Wedding Photography – Family Session – Famous William Co.

YOU GUYS. Schellie here. You remember Rebecca and Kevin, right? William photographed their wedding at Serenbe last year. Check it out by clicking here. ALSO, we did a photo booth for their daughters birthday. ALSO, they were in our promotional video and commercial here. ANYWAYS, we like Rebecca and Kevin. I got the chance to go out to their home and the lake nearby to photograph them and their family. Check out this beautiful family!! 

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Tate House Wedding Photography – Famous William Co.

Oh my gosh guys look at the Tate House in Tate, GA, the Marble Capital of the World in Pickens County, Georgia! This beautiful mansion was built in 1926 and is constructed of a rare marble referred to as “Etowah  Pink Marble.” This charming wedding event venue is on the National Registry of Historic Places and William and Schellie were lucky enough to spend some time there to capture the beauty of this amazing landmark, at Christmas time! Each room had a Christmas tree and was styled accordingly. This beautiful, beautiful place is the perfect location for any bride. Plus, everyone there is so nice! And they have a cat! Check it!

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Piedmont Park Wedding Photography – Emma and Juan Engagement Session – Famous William Co.

Hey guys! Schellie here! Meet Emma and Juan, you guys. Emma is a wedding photographer. She went to school with William. Juan is her counter part, aka her perfect match. We went to Piedmont Park with them, and I’m sure you’ve heard us say it before and we’ll say it again: confident photographers make the best models. Such is the case with Emma and Juan. Check it.

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