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Zombie Engagement Shoot in Grantville – Heidi and Jeremy Engagement – Famous William Company

So Heidi and Jeremy decided to do a zombie shoot for their engagement session. It’s the perfect time of year for it too! We did their shoot in Downtown Grantville which was recently made over to accommodate AMC’s The Walking Dead. They were shooting season 3 and most of downtown was blocked off with 24 hour police security. They changed the signage and building fronts to show the “King County” setting. Jeremy and Heidi are super fans of the show so it was only natural that they incorporate zombies into their engagement session. If you watch the show make sure to keep your eye out for familiar scenes from this shoot. They have a ton of friends that offered to be zombies, and their friend James Murphy offered to do the makeup since he owns his own FX company. The makeup is pretty realistic so brace yourself. 

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